Because obtaining a successful electronic application means obtaining more customers and thus more profits. We develop secure and scalable electronic applications for you, suitable for all types of mobile phones for systems: Android and IOS, and suitable for all systems of stores and browsers.



We will study the target audience and study the market before starting programming, and with the help of the team of professional programmers in Calverance, we choose the appropriate programming language for the application, then we create the creative design that attracts the eye right on the program interface, then we make modifications to the applications according to the requirements of the audience or the customer, we will provide you with support Continuous technician to solve any problems you encounter, and respond to your inquiries throughout the week. We develop the application to suit all mobile phones that support Android and IOS, which guarantees you efficiency and speed of performance.


Do you want to own a profitable application that thousands of customers depend on?



Project implementation steps:


Study and analysis of the project.
User interface design.
Develop a prototype.
Code development.
quality assurance.
launch phase.
Technical support and maintenance.


Application development needs a professional and efficient team to produce projects worthy of the name of Claverance. The developer team:



1- project manager

2- designer ux\ ui

3- front end develper

4- back end developer

5- application developer

6- cyber security

7- test


And because Calverence is the leading symbol, we provided our customers with the service of receiving projects via the Internet. Where live meetings are held via video conference to discuss all project details and conclude contracts electronically, you can also pay electronically, and you can directly work on the project step by step with our online team through our work program.


Project cost depends on:

Project size.
The size of the work team.


As the projects vary in size, the time and effort spent on their implementation, and the number of developers implementing them.


Contact us for more details